Book review: Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski

Book: Sword of Destiny
Author: Andrzej Sapkowski
Publication: May 21st, 1992
Rating: 4 stars

In this short story collection we continue following Geralt as he travels the world and encounters new monsters and new people. We get to meet some old friends from the previous book and see how exactly their relationships evolve over time. This book concentrated much more on Geralt’s relationships with Yennefer and Ciri than on establishing his own character..which I get, since we’ve already learned quite a bit about him in the previous book. But we do still get some new tidbits about his past and we definitely get to see him struggling to understand his own feelings of love, compassion and fear.

When it comes to the individual stories, I gotta admit I was not a fan of all of them. Here are some of my random notes on them.

Spoilers ahead!

The Bounds of Reason
- This is the dragon story from the tv show, which is probably the only reason why I was able to follow who was on whose side in the end..the writing of the action and changing allegiances was just a bit too messy for me.
- But oh, how I love Geralt and Yennefer together! I just wish we found out why they’re in such a conflict. Why did Geralt leave Yen withouth an explanation?
- 3,5 stars

A Shard of Ice
- Seriously guys, you’re going to duel for the right to pursue Yen? How medieval..
- And Yen, if you’re going to be two-timing at least be upfront about it..especially since you know how much these guys care about you.
- All in all I feel like this chapter was something I could’ve lived without..It’s great to learn more about Geralt and Yen’s relationship, but still..blah.
- 2,5 stars

Eternal Flame
- I am so confused. And so bloody bored.
- Was there an actual point to this chapter? It didn’t really take the plot or character development anywhere.
- 2 stars

A Little Sacrifice
- I love the little mermaid parallels here. (Kinda like Renfri and Snow White in the first book)
- I was just today thinking about how much I detest (read: am afraid of) underwater this definitely already gives me the creeps.
- I love Essi, Geralt could stand to be interested in someone else for a change.
- Essi what? You’ve barely known the guy for a day or so and you’re already in love. Oh boy..
- Glad that Dandelion finally knocked their heads together. Dandelion in general was a lot of fun in this story.
- But what’s with the random ending?
- 4 stars

The Sword of Destiny
- Yay! We get to meet Ciri!
- This chapter is quite interesting.
- The events in Brokilon are quite different from what happens in the tv show, but I liked it.
- I love how feisty and bratty Ciri is. Also love how we learn more about the dryad and their struggles.
- Oh Geralt, you do realize you can’t run from your destiny forever.
- 4 stars

”Tell me a story.”
He laughed again, put his hands under his head and looked up at the stars twinkling beyond the branches above their heads.
”There was once...a cat,” he began. ”An ordinary, tabby mouser. And one day that cat went off, all by itself, on a long journey to a terrible, dark forest. He walked...And he walked...And he walked...”
”Don’t think,” Ciri mumbled, cuddling up to him, ”that I’ll fall asleep before he gets there.”

Something More
- What a sinister beginning.
- Wait what?!? Witchers’ origins are a lie?? And the Law of Surprise?? But why did we learn about these in the previous book? Or is Geralt lying? I feel so betrayed.
- I love these flashback-hallucinations that Geralt is having.
- Ha! Destiny will always find you!
- Definitely my favorite story in this book.
- 5 stars

And now that I have all this background information, I feel like I’m ready to take on the actual novels. I’m doing a buddy read of Blood of Elves next month, so yay!
